Friday, August 22, 2014


It's a special time for me as my beloved and I have just celebrated our wedding anniversary. At times like these we tend to think back on our lives together and remember the milestones.

This photo is a cover back when people listed to L.P.s (Long Playing records.) It was fun to record because our son who was studying violin at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music joined us and played a couple of duets with his dad. We included him as he would sometimes accompany us on our ministry trips.

We've retained this and now use it on a CD  with new original music I wrote some time later.

The photo was taken in our living room by the old pot bellied stove. We now live many miles away and this this old house is now the home and business of an estate agent. I guess because it's well placed on a busy street corner.

We constantly thank God for our marriage over these years. Like any marriage it's had it's 'ups and downs' but if there has ever been any discord between us, we never go to bed without getting things right and that includes saying "I'm sorry." We have learned to respect each others' differing opinions and act with courtesy (as you would with even a stranger.) And we have proved the old adage, "the family that prays together, stays together."

That's enough of my reminiscing for now, but as it was a special anniversary, I've enjoyed it. I really hope you, my dear reader, will try to remember to build up your own marriage relationship with love and care. It will always bless you in your own heart and soul. A joy filled marriage is close to the Lord's heart. 

Why don't you read I Corinthians chapter 13 in the Holy Bible for the true meaning of love.

1 comment:

Paula Vince said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope it was a lovely. Day. We have your CD with this cover, which is enjoyed a lot.